Australia’s young women need you

Take charge to make change – become part of the So Brave breast cancer fundraising movement

So Brave so loves our volunteers

From body paint artists and photographers, to accountants and editors, to social media managers and graphic designers, to event assistants and calendar salespeople, we value the contributions of all our exceptional volunteers. You can be one of them! Whether you can offer a weekly commitment or assistance with a one-off event, we’d love to hear from you.

So Brave welcomes volunteer applications from anyone – you don’t need to commit to a technical role or possess a unique skill set. Perhaps you’re a student with an hour or two after school that you’d like to use to make a difference, or a part-time worker with a spare day a fortnight.

We’re committed to raising awareness and educating and empowering young people, and there are different options to become part of our community. Together we can change the lives of young women all across Australia. But we need people like you.

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Register As A Volunteer

Pop your details in the form below to register your interest. We’ll then be in touch to see how you can join the So Brave crew.

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Get Connected

If you’re a young breast cancer survivor and would like to share your story or connect with other young women like you, reach out to us here.


There’s lots of ways that you can raise funds towards So Brave’s work in empowerment, education, research, and connection. Click here to find out more.

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to find out more about the So Brave community