I was 29 years old no family history and a mum of 3 nearly four children. If I had known what I knew now I would have perhaps questioned further and asked for more tests.
Fast forward three years and that same lump was extremely painful and I was always tired and had lost a fair amount of weight, I went too my gp who could feel two lumps, she sent me next door for a ultrasound where the sonograper was counting up-to 10 lumps on the right side and several in the left.
I was referred too a breast surgeon that week and was told the next two years of my life would involve double mastectomies, chemo, radiation, reconstruction, menopause, anxiety, post traumatic stress among other things. The pain, anger, adrenaline and the fight for my life began.
None of it was easy and of it was fair. But I had no choice. I had to get up everyday and face what that brought.
And I am who I am today because I won the fight and because of all the people that supported me through such a terrible time and the gratitude for all of those people I’m sure they will truly never know.
Do I have new fake boobs? No I have boobs made from my stomach and I am the luckiest person too have them.
Will I ever get cancer again?
Who knows but if I do I’ll fight again.
Can it happen too you?
Yes absolutely it sadly can. I never in my life thought I would get stage 3 grade 3 cancer.
The so brave project was one of the most empowering days of my life and gave me a part of myself back that I’ve missed since I was diagnosed and I hope I can show other women the importance of checking your boob’s every month and if you’re in doubt get it checked out asap.