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It’s Time to Get Real
It can feel isolating to be diagnosed with breast cancer at a young age, which is why our So Brave Model Ambassadors are here to share their stories and insights.
It’s Time to Get Real
It can feel isolating to be diagnosed with breast cancer at a young age, which is why our So Brave Model Ambassadors are here to share their stories and insights.
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Every young woman featured in our annual So Brave calendars was diagnosed with breast cancer before the age of 40. These brave, beautiful, resilient women tell you their story with the hope their stories will help empower and educate you – and raise awareness that #youngwomengetbreastcancertoo.
Our brave young breast cancer survivors inspire us all. They exemplify courage following all the trauma of a breast cancer diagnosis and treatment by transforming into beautiful artwork by our magnificent body paint artists. Their images and stories are also a reminder that young women can navigate through treatment and see their bodies and their experience with breast cancer in a different light.
“It’s been 8 years since I heard those words that changed my life, I fought all the and have come to terms with my body changes. I know I’m no less of a woman. I’m a fighter, survivor, I beat cancer and proud of it.”